Welp, I haven't written in quite some time. This has been the busiest, craziest week of my life! But I'm happy and enjoying it. I'm in two one acts at school and they take up quite a bit of time. And I've had choir stuff happening, and papers, and exams. It's just pretty hectic.
On another note, I think I might just have a virus. Nothing bad. Just headache and sleepiness. Possibly a baby migraine... What ever the case, I just want it to go away. Watching Pride and Prejudice with Kyle last night did seem to help for a little while. And a wonderful head massage from Carris helped a great deal. I think sleep will help a lot tonight.
On a happier note, I got onto the cross cultural trip I wanted! Which means I'll be going to Italy in May of 2011! I can't wait! It's going to be so sweet! I have a bunch of friends on it too, so it's going to be a great time!
I can't wait for this weekend, my best friend from home Aley is coming up for a visit. And I'll get to see my Mom and Dad. They're coming to listen to the music lab I'm singing in on Friday. It should be a great time! :)
The expectations have slightly subsided. I've spoken with people about it and it seems to be much better. It continues to play out, so we'll see how it all goes, but I'm sure it will end well. I just keep praying about it.
Oh, I sang a lot today, and last night. It's been fun. We're singing some beautiful songs in choir and Chamber singers went to camp Michindo last night to sing for some great people. All in all it has been a good few days. Especially for singing.
I think that's all for now. My head hurts too much to stay on this darn computer. So, goodnight. :)