Well I finished that darn paper. I was able to get a full 7 pages and then some! Yay!
The music lab went very well. Hannah is such an incredible pianist and accompanist. I feel so lucky to have her playing for me. I really love the song I sang, O Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me? by Handel. Such a beautiful aria. I think it was one of the best performances I've done.
I loved having my Mom and Dad here! It was so much fun spending time with them and relaxing with them. I can't believe I'm so blessed to have them as my parents. Just spending time with them makes me feel better. This weekend is going to be so busy and it was very nice to have a relaxed time with Mom, Dd, Clark, Kyle, and Brianna. It was a very good day. :)
I found out I'll be living with Kira, Jamie, and Kate on Delta 3 next year. Which is great, it's a floor of suites, which means we have our own bathroom! :D Next year is going to be great! :)
So now, I shall do some homework and spend some time with Kyle. :D
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