Thursday, April 29, 2010

Finally Friday!

This week has been one of the most hectic and busy weeks that I have ever lived through. But I have enjoyed it. I've had dress rehearsals every night until around 8 and then other rehearsals for other things too. Just lots of stuff.

This Friday is going to be great though! Aley is coming to visit me and we're going shopping and having some quality girl time together. And then Kyle is taking me to see his high school's production of Footloose. It's our 5 month anniversary. :) Yay :)

And tonight Jamie is being a great great friend and is staying in my room with me since Kira is gone. I hate being alone at night, and just can't get to sleep without someone there. This summer is going to be rough. :P

I guess that's really all for now. We had our first performance of Jen's one acts, the next is Saturday, and then all I have is my piano recital and the stage directing one acts. And finals... yeah...

I continue to sing. Apparently there's a video of me on youtube singing O Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me? by Handel at a music lab. I haven't actually listened to it yet, but, I've heard it's there. Our choir concert is Tuesday night. Should be grand.

I guess that's really all now. :P

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh! I can title these!

Just figured that out ^ :D

This has been the busiest week I think I've experienced and it's only Tuesday night. :P Being involved in so much is definitely tiring and hard but totally worth it.

All I can say is that I'm sleepy, and happy. I'm so thankful to be so blessed to be a part of all the wonderful things God has put in my life. And to be able to sing. I definitely have been doing a LOT of that. :)

Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. I hope you don't have bed bugs.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Well I finished that darn paper. I was able to get a full 7 pages and then some! Yay!

The music lab went very well. Hannah is such an incredible pianist and accompanist. I feel so lucky to have her playing for me. I really love the song I sang, O Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me? by Handel. Such a beautiful aria. I think it was one of the best performances I've done.

I loved having my Mom and Dad here! It was so much fun spending time with them and relaxing with them. I can't believe I'm so blessed to have them as my parents. Just spending time with them makes me feel better. This weekend is going to be so busy and it was very nice to have a relaxed time with Mom, Dd, Clark, Kyle, and Brianna. It was a very good day. :)

I found out I'll be living with Kira, Jamie, and Kate on Delta 3 next year. Which is great, it's a floor of suites, which means we have our own bathroom! :D Next year is going to be great! :)

So now, I shall do some homework and spend some time with Kyle. :D

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I did not go to my classes today. I felt sick and decided I needed sleep.

Now it's time to make up what I missed. Fun.

I feel extremely overwhelmed right now with homework and lessons. I feel very anxious.

I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day. It was not a bad day today, but I still feel a little gross and I feel like I'm drowning in work.

I shall now do some of that work. TTFN! Ta ta for now! :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welp, I haven't written in quite some time. This has been the busiest, craziest week of my life! But I'm happy and enjoying it. I'm in two one acts at school and they take up quite a bit of time. And I've had choir stuff happening, and papers, and exams. It's just pretty hectic.

On another note, I think I might just have a virus. Nothing bad. Just headache and sleepiness. Possibly a baby migraine... What ever the case, I just want it to go away. Watching Pride and Prejudice with Kyle last night did seem to help for a little while. And a wonderful head massage from Carris helped a great deal. I think sleep will help a lot tonight.

On a happier note, I got onto the cross cultural trip I wanted! Which means I'll be going to Italy in May of 2011! I can't wait! It's going to be so sweet! I have a bunch of friends on it too, so it's going to be a great time!

I can't wait for this weekend, my best friend from home Aley is coming up for a visit. And I'll get to see my Mom and Dad. They're coming to listen to the music lab I'm singing in on Friday. It should be a great time! :)

The expectations have slightly subsided. I've spoken with people about it and it seems to be much better. It continues to play out, so we'll see how it all goes, but I'm sure it will end well. I just keep praying about it.

Oh, I sang a lot today, and last night. It's been fun. We're singing some beautiful songs in choir and Chamber singers went to camp Michindo last night to sing for some great people. All in all it has been a good few days. Especially for singing.

I think that's all for now. My head hurts too much to stay on this darn computer. So, goodnight. :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Well, it's Saturday. That means sleeping in, eating late, and Emily!! It has been such a great day. I got up at 11, showered at 12, Emily got here around 1:30, almost 2. We went to Applebees and I ate an incredible hamburger. The somethin' or other smoked bacon burger with pepper jack cheese. Delicious!

Then we went with Kira and Kyle to go see How to Train Your Dragon. It was incredible!

All I can say after that is, I want a dragon. We tried desperately to find a stuffed animal of Toothless the dragon but, alas, our conquest brought nothing but disappointment. We are left imagining our lives if we had a pet dragon.

On the news from yesterday, expectations don't seem to let up. I'm still supposed to be the strong one for people, when I don't really know why. But, I'm trying, and it seems that I might be the one underestimating myself. We'll see how this plays out.

I am now doing the greatest thing in the world. Watching Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in the same movie. The best ever combination in the history of romantic comedies. I shall now loose myself in the impeccable writing and acting of You've Got Mail. I am a lone reed. That is for sure. I feel bad shopping at Borders now. I'll have to find some small book stores.

And now, I bid you all adieu. I hope you receive the same enjoyment I shall have with Meg and Tom.

So long! And don't forget to twirl.

Friday, April 16, 2010

This Friday has been very relaxing. Lots of sleeping and watching of movies. Tomorrow I plan to hang out with my very very very very good friend Emily! 'Twill be awesome to see her again!

In other news, I hate expectations. People have so many, and sometimes I feel like it's not possible to live up to them. I'm strong, I'm tough, but to what extent? This is the time when I need to give it to God and let Him work through me. Easier said than done. But I'll try.

And, on another note, I didn't sing a whole lot today. But my friend Kate was finally able to get me her Regina Spektor music. It's so different and interesting. So, although I have not personally been singing today (in choir, I always sing, my life really is a musical) I have been listening to others sing. Which is sometimes more fun. :)

Pray continuously.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

There are only a few things I would like to say about Thursday.
1. I wish I could spend more time with my brother because I absolutely love the time I do get to spend with him.
2. My Toms came today and I love them! They're so cute and they help out others!
3. The Blind Side is seriously the best movie I've seen in quite some time. I think every one should watch it and try to live as much like that woman as possible. Which translates to living like Jesus. Great movie!
4. I dislike papers. Thankfully I still have a while on it, but getting started is the hardest part.
5. How people can manage to completely soak the bathroom sink and surrounding counter is astounding to me. It took me 3 paper towel squares to dry it off! That's talent my friends.
6. I really love the songs we're singing in choir! We're sounding better and better each practice.
7. I love the one act I am in directed by Lillian. We had a blast at practice tonight, making jokes, singing songs (yay!) and getting to know each other better. I love the cast!
8. I am so blessed to have had such a wonderful and busy Thursday. The weather was spectacular, the singing was superb, and I got to spend time with Core 18 A-Team! My friends are incredible, my family is incredible, God is incredible.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well, I missed yesterday. No big deal. :)

Monday night was very very fun. I got to spend some quality time with my brother! We watched the Blues Brothers. Great movie! Tuesday was an incredibly busy day. I had too many things planned. But, I survived. And we did a wonderful presentation that came together in a mere week or so. I got involved Sunday. 'Twas hectic.

I loved choir. We're singing two incredible pieces and I love getting to learn them and fall in love with each of them more each time. Good stuff!

Unfortunately I had to miss Glee. But, I will remedy that!

A group of us went to Applebees after the prior mentioned presentation/performance thing-a-ma-bob. :) It was very fun. And I enjoyed getting some real food. :) Clark and I shared 3 appetizers and spent only 12 dollars on a very filling and delicious meal! And then I died. I came home and fell asleep so fast and slept like a log. It was nice. :P

Tonight should be pretty quiet and not too busy. I hope to get to bed at a reasonable hour. Preferably 5... or 10. That might be better.

I'm not looking forward to my exam tomorrow, but other than that it should be another good day.

Until next time!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

I would like to start off by thanking my amazing sister Katie for helping me make my blog so snazzy! I love the banner! :D

Today was definitely a Monday. I did not want to get up for class this morning at all. Having gone to bed at nearly 1 o'clock a 7:50 class is super early. But, I made it. And ended up understanding everything we learned! Yay! I then found out that the hot water on Gainey West was not working. So I had to make my way across the lobby in a bathrobe. Interesting morning to say the least.

The rest of the day was fairly normal. Warm, lovely, with buds on the leaves. And my favorite part of Mondays, voice lessons. I definitely sang today! It went quite well for me and I throughly enjoyed working on the two songs I'm singing. Oh Mio Babbino Caro and O Sleep Why Dost Thou Leave Me? Both wonderful songs, both very different.

All in all, it was a good day. Busy, tired, and Monday, but good. :)

Until next time!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hello there!

I have decided to write a blog. It seems to be the thing to do and I would love to have a place to put down what's happening in my life. :)

Today has been a great day of rest and relaxation. I have spent the day going to church with Jamie, doing laundry with Kira and Jamie, making cupcakes with the same two lovely ladies, and then watching Underworld with them. All in all I'd say it was a great day! And a great end to a great weekend! I saw The Last Song with Kira, Robin, and Jamie and Clash of the Titans with Kira, Jamie, and Matt. Good times!

So, I guess we'll see how this works out! It's got to be fun! :)

Until next time! :)